IB Learner Profile- A Landmark for an educator

IB Learner Profile: Not only a way to understand learner but a landmark for an educator

IB introduces learner’s profile in 1997 to identify learners and their needs. These profile not only describes the personality of the learner but are equally applicable to teachers, parents and administrators.

The 10 LPA of IB describes the human capacity and ability to motivate learner and the educator to go beyond academics and taking responsibility of the society. There are different ways by which an Educator can exhibit these traits and set example for students. The educator by exhibiting it in their daily teaching can give opportunity to student for adopting and applying it in his/her life.

  1. Inquirer: Ask question- since it is a method of solving problem and promote thinking skills. These questions can vary from simple to complex but they will make student understand that every problem in life can be solved by asking questions from perspectives.
  2. Knowledgeable: Knowledge here not only applies to content or subject matter. An educator should be able to solve problems in and around them, this will motivate students to think out of academics about the environment/ society around them. While teaching in class bring real  life situations related to content and have fruitful discussion with students to widen their knowledge.
  3. Thinker: The biggest problem for an educator. When we think and answer to a problem raised by the student we think as per our knowledge  rather than as per students understanding. Our thinking process and application of knowledge should be as per the class level we are teaching, than only we are effective in delivering the knowledge. Therefore every time we go to the class we need to be creative in thinking and tailor our thoughts as per student’s requirement.
  4. Principled: This attribute of learner profile is very important for a teacher and should be exhibited throughout the curriculum following IB  guidelines. They need to be unbiased in behavior and also principled in giving effective feedback on any piece of students work.
  5. Open minded– After teaching for years and years we have become rigid and demanding with students. We have one way of thinking which  is  always correct for us. But this should not be the case, we should be able to accept student’s thoughts and creativity, especially when we  are discussing IA and EE topics. Many times a student comes up with a topic which we have already experiences, but we should be open to  new thoughts and learn to treat it as new topic rather than forcing our ideas over the student.
  6. Caring: As many think this LPA is just for PYP teacher, but not very true. Caring is not only showing care to a student but also for MYP/ DP   teacher it is care towards environment and society, above all at this teenage students need more care than a PYP child. It is more about  taking care of their emotional and intellectual level so as to maintain focus in academics.
  7. Communicator: We always expect students to use subject specific terminology in all their assignments, but how often we use it as per  student’s ability in out teaching? To be good communicator we should be mindful of the words that we are using also when we lose temper   on a student or when we a communicating to a colleague, don’t forget students are always observing you.
  8. .Risk taker: This is the most important LPA which is exhibited every day. An good teacher take risk by giving alternative instructions for the  same situation to different student based on their understanding without knowing its effectiveness. Adopt new strategies every year  teaching the same content and foremost deals with different culturally enrooted students of variety of mindsets.
  9. Balanced: An educator is considered above GOD and parents for a learner. To actually achieve that respect we should be balanced in our   behavior; balanced in our judgment and above all balanced in our attitude towards the student irrespective of their culture, religion, behavior and academic understanding.
  10. Reflective: We always think by filling the reflection in the unit plan we are good reflectors – not true. We should reflect every day on our  teaching methodology or strategies adopted in class, a best way of doing it, is to video record our own classes and watch them later. We  should also reflect on our attitude towards student as it leaves a lifelong mark on their little heart.

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